Papa Jeff Belyea and I in conversation on my blog in a galaxy far, far away….


Papa Jeff Belyea and I communicating via my blog. For those of you who didn’t know Jeff, he died suddenly at the age of 70 and left all of us weeping. The artwork is “Bird of Paradise” by Jeff Belyea

This humor was between Jeff and I on my old blog. I am no longer sure who said what to whom, but apparently he was playing the role of someone in Customer Service, which will be able to track us all the way to hell and back. Enjoy!

“Jeff: OK. Troot is, I’m from Brooklyn and we use this rouse to con youse outta your smack. How’s that for a mocha twist, sis? Which, speaking of dough, BTFW, you had enough to pick up an iMac I hear trough the grapevine. Good you youse.

Vicki: If this is your idea of pleasure, perhaps you should book a cruise to Siberia and enjoy cavorting there naked in the snow and later follow that up with a massage by a local bear. Put that in your ISP and smoke it, Kumar. The bliss of being your friend is only exceeded by the torture of knowing you don’t understand a word I say, idiomatically speaking. And yet you ARE an idiomath on some level in a world where friendliness is only surpassed by idiocy. Ciao, Kumar. Enjoy your chai. Btw, may I call you my Customer Service Fiend?

Jeff: Also, I am cavorting with laughter. Most regrettably, my bliss burst came at a most unfortunate time, as my lips were happily engaged in the consumption of Chai tea. The spray badly soaked my keyboard, precipitating a hard drive nose dive crash. Sadly, not only were your files lost, the most extravagant cost of repairs will be added to your charges. I am most pleased to be your customer service friend.”


There is more of this mystical silliness to be shared….



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