Dear Readers


Dear Readers,

“It’s a time for setting some rules and boundaries for yourself and enjoying the feeling that by structuring your life, you’re moving forward. Orderliness has become an empowering state for you, and paying closer attention to deadlines, details, and rules can be challenging but rewarding. Your dreams become more realizable and within reach.” ~From a daily horoscope for Scorpio

I had my second day in a row of frustration and anger and then, as my friend Tami, tells me,
“Wait for the shift.”

The shift was that I went back to my WordPress site, feeling that, as usual, I would not be able to fix the problem. I looked over to the left column and there it was, I can tick the box to Read Comments when people leave them! Oh, frabjous day, coulee coulee. That is from The Jabberwocky, and I misspelled the last two words.

I am now feeling how important your comments are, how they buoy me up during difficult days. I need you the reader to be able to comment on what I write. Readers make me a better writer. If you are among the people that made comments, I think I can actually read and approve the comments now. I am grateful that someone made me aware of the problem.

I feel a real sense of connection with my readers and my appreciation and affection for you is deep. I just didn’t know that you were commenting and I was not reading them. I feel like a kid at Christmas or Sally Field saying, “You like me, you really, really like me.”

You can also reach me via my email,

Comments welcomed....