Everything is Changing


Everything is changing in the world. No one will remain unaffected by these changes. The ultimate truth is that everyone is one/many at the same time. Once you see this, you do not become enlightened, but you do become humbler than you used to be.

This may well be my last year of posting essays. It is getting harder for me to type and it will get harder. I have a lot on my plate and I have to continue to have a meaningful life, no matter how hard it is.

Yesterday I asked Rob to clean out the garage. I started the job myself and realized I needed his help. He worked at it all day, God bless him, and now I feel like it is time to turn over a new leaf on every level.

Right now I plan on staying at home as long as it is feasible for both of us. The house is in a quiet neighborhood.. Now there is a whole new generation out pushing strollers and walking dogs.

I never thought I would write the volume of essays that I have written and they will all disappear once I close out the website. I will renew it for one year on May 1 and then I will more than likely close it down.

It began because my husband was dying of multiple myeloma. The original site accidentally got erased and this one is a poor substitute for it. But it is all I have. I also post the essays on Facebook. Ironically, you will be able to read old essays on Facebook while the blog will be gone.

I have loved writing essays and I will keep on keeping on as long as I am able.

My goal for this year is to slow down. I have always been a race horse regarding my essays. I have pounded out thousands and it was easy for me because it is all I can do; I have no other talent.

What keeps me interested is that when it comes to esoteric teachings, they are all, everyone of them, inside of us. We have to mine for them, of course, but they are pure gold.

I will stop now and get on to the rest of my day.


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