
I was quite distressed when I woke up this morning to find that there is now a decided quiver in my voice. Also, my head to toe tremor is worse. There is nothing that can be done about my voice.

I am getting a hearing evaluation in a week and had trouble filling out the forms. Rob can help me with that.

I guess you could call this a challenge, but I am depressed about this. Perhaps some of you can encourage me to stay positive.

Rob’s second attempt by the radiologist and then removal of the kidney stone is sometime in May.

It is hard to be mentally okay but physically impaired.

The teachings seem far away this morning,





  1. Beloved Vicki, Hang in there!
    Savour moments of peace and enjoyment no matter how small. Getting older is a bitch. Today I turned 77! I can hardly believe it.
    Love, Bill in Germany 😍


  2. Dear Vicky, I hope you feel better by now. I wish you all the best in one of these moments where the teachings seem far away! Thank you for your honest sharing. We are all one, especially at such times in our lives. Greetings from Belgium!


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