Turning Loose

A few days ago the microwave died. We ordered a new one online and it is sitting in the kitchen. Rob says he can lift it, but I don’t want him to. We are getting the yard mowed today for the first time since last summer. Maybe the man who mows the yard can put the new microwave on the counter for me.

Rob is going for his pre-surgery check in today and my sister will be here tomorrow night. His surgery is not until Thursday and he has to check in on Wednesday night. She will be with him at the hospital since I am not able to go. I can still do things at home, but in the main, I am too weak to do anything like I used to.

Lucky for me, I can still write to you. What is on my mind is how to be grateful for all the help that is given us. My sister is the best; she will do Reiki on him and be there when he is brought back to his room. I am guessing it will just be an overnight stay; it depends on how he feels after the surgery.

Yesterday I got my hair cut short and that feels good. I didn’t watch the Oscars or the news.

How does my lifetime on the spiritual path help me? I ask myself that question. And the answer is that I have always been choiceless. Everything just happens in the only way it can happen. When I was younger, I didn’t know that, but now it is beginning to sink in.

I am losing ground to the tremor, so I try to accept my limits gracefully. I do, maybe 75% of the time! Gratitude arises for all that Rob does for me; he is a silent backup for me in things I can no longer do. Doing is overrated when compared to being, but when you cannot do certain things, it is very, very important.

I have the luxury of pursuing my True Self, but as hard as I look, I cannot find her. The day is young and hope abounds. Once I find her, it will be a huge relief. She is standing behind me right now as I type. She is invisible so has the edge on me. I feel her presence when I surrender and I can be awfully stubborn about turning loose of my affairs.

Vicki Woodyard

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