
I wonder why I continue to write; I am getting shakier. The silence is all that remains, ultimately.
That is true for we human beings and we are barely even human anymore. The lies are covering up the truth. I was drawn to a truth-telling teacher because that was my fate. Fate and silence are almost the same thing.

We have seen that the planet is being poisoned and children are dying of starvation. We care only for what can distract us from the truth. Yes, amazon can cure us if we order enough treats.

I write for a minuscule number of readers. That is okay because I am connecting to you via a channel of silence. Can you feel it?

Can you feel how my fingers touch the keys?

More and more I rest in the nothingness of silence.

Who says that all of us are social beings? Jesus came to rattle a few cages.

I love to write things that touch people, that make them feel alive just for a moment.

The rest is disposable chitchat.

Vicki Woodyard

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