March Marches On (And I am out of step)

It is March already and I am writing to tell you the situation. I get few readers these days, so the thought occurs to me to quit, or not post but once a week. I am going to any book on my shelf and see if I get some “random guidance” on the subject.

The Life and Letters of The Tofu Roshi by Susan Ichi Su Moon

“Dear Tofu Roshi,

How many Zen Masters does it take to change a light bulb?—Plum Blossom

“Dear Plum Blossom,

Two. One to change it and one to not change it.”

Laughter brings us closer to God, do you not think so? If not for laughter, our grief would kill us.

I write from my gut, quickly and often I am saying the same thing in different words, which is allowed in the area of enlightenment. But I no longer believe in enlightenment. If someone should tell me that they are I would laugh, thus coming closer to God.

Tears wipe the windshield of the heart and we wouldn’t want to be an emotional wreck. So venting is good therapy.


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