A Bookstore and a Library

Rob is away for a few days and I have been tidying up the house. I have lost a few pounds and am grateful for that.

My brother writes that dialysis will be a challenge for him, but he is beginning it with a positive attitude.

Last night I dreamed that Bob and Rob and I were together again. They were going to a bookstore and I was tagging along. I became fascinated with books on eastern philosophy, even though it made no sense to me.

The bookstore turned into a library and I saw a friend of my sister working there. She was into that philosophy as well and she was going to show me some books I might like. But it was time for the bookstore to close and I needed to get outside for Bob and Rob to pick me up.

I tried and tried but could not find my way out. The doors were disguised and I couldn’t leave the building. I was worried that the guys would not wait for me. Plus, I had bought some books and had forgotten my credit card so the transaction was incomplete.

I describe all of this because our life on earth is much the same as our dream life. My friend Tallulah says to observe waking life as if it is a dream.

I was frustrated by the smallest thing but I was determined to learn more about the philosophy of the Tao, even when it seemingly didn’t work, it did.

Paradox is the point of power, as Patricia Sun said. Things have a dreamy quality in which nothing can ever be pinned down or figured out literally.

We know that there is a higher way that we cannot live just yet, but we keep trying. I always pay attention to my dreams, yet I don’t pay attention to my waking life, which is always full of dream symbols.

I am off to sit around and do nothing for an hour or so. This is an art in itself and I am still finger painting!

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Love Leonard’s quote. And Tallulah has it right. I should count the dream symbols that float through a typical day for me…along with the ironic synchronicities. Once you understand that you’re on a path, you begin to see these little cosmic carins everywhere. There is a relationship between inner events and outer events with “ourselves” in the middle watching and questioning, trying to capture precious gems disguised as random puzzle pieces. Synchronicity could be a wild card and an ordering principle…take your pick!

    Vicki, your dream reminds me of feelings of separation. From your guys, your credit card and from your foundational quest for knowledge. I think in the latter, we are birds of a feather. And frustration as in when you can’t find your way out of a chaos. Meanings are hidden….life is but a dream.

    Sweet dreams my friend,


    1. When we used to meet for lunch, we always celebrated spirit. It was like drawing a magic circle around ourselves. And my blog is the same way. No one stays unless they enjoy celebrating spirit in its many disguises. Good analysis, Tami, thanks, friend.


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