Coming Back to You

Leonard Cohen wrote a song called “Coming Back to You.” It reminds me to sink into the heart instead of gathering all the voices in my head to argue for and against what I should “do.” You see, doing is the great trap, whereas being is the great solution to anything and everything.

I am writing this in pre-dawn silence; the dishwasher is running and I woke up abruptly around 3:30. Lying in bed, I begin to worry about a small decision I seemingly had to make. Caught up in thought, I pulled the sheets and blanket around me and twisted my brain. It didn’t work. It never does. Heart decisions are not made; they simply are what they are. The mind has no way out of a problem except thought.

After half an hour of wrangling the bed clothes, I remembered that I am an introvert and that introverts always prefer staying home to going out. And heart is where the home is. I had my answer to the knotty problem, now to unknot the sheets.

I am at peace with carrying on the blog, seeing it as a cove of comfort for a few of you. You have time to read and respond (if you like) and I have time to do likewise. This is not a fast tempo where you click Like and use emoticons. The blog forbids those and favors the actual typing of words.

My words are fresh and immediate; that is what I offer. But they are not superficial; they are meant to rouse you from sleep, me being the first to benefit from that.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Wonderful words, Vicki. What is about that early morning wake-up when the mind is in turmoil? I’ve read that 4:00 am is the time for connection with a higher consciousness which is why so many spiritual practices include meditation at that time. Meditation has never worked for me because of monkey brain, but I have found a mantra can sooth my busy brain. I’m an introvert too and am spending the day cleaning out clutter to make my sanctuary more peaceful. It feels good to get rid of things that no longer have any meaning. Have a wonderful day and stay warm!


    1. They say cavemen woke up then to make sure tigers weren’t outside waiting to eat them! My habit is to wake up every few hours all night.

      Decluttering and puttering are so calming. I agree. Thanks for the feedback, Tib.


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