Love and Healing

I am still weak but finally made a trip to the grocery a couple of days ago. I felt like an alien. The car seemed unfamiliar; I accidentally hit the button that makes the horn beep. But it felt good to be able to do even that small shopping trip.

This morning the world is blanketed in a beautiful snow. Just as my life is covered in the hypnotic trance of unawakened man. Snow is beautiful and treacherous and everything is a metaphor.

Theo says the universe is “in formation.” I like that way of putting it. My soul knows geography. It showed me in dreams where to go to find teachings I could profit from. The desert, Hawaii, the high desert of Arizona. I followed these dreams easily.

My mind knows nothing about geography. I barely passed the course in college. Actually my mind is not meant to know the soul’s terrain.

So here I am looking out on a blanket of snow on this sleeping planet. Parts of it are on fire and parts are being flooded. There is no safe place here. We must come to know that so deeply that we look for love and safety outside of the world.

Vicki Woodyard

One Comment

  1. Absolute truth, Vicki! I think of all those people in the world who have lost all external things – homes, jobs, all their possessions due to wars and natural disasters and see such courage and hope side by side to their devastating despair. The only safe place, the only sanctuary is within. I’m so glad you felt good enough to go out! The snow is still falling here and so beautiful. The world here, at least for a few hours, reflects the quiet I always try to find within.


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