The Pathway Home

So I woke up this morning, having had a long and involved dream that I cannot recall. Something about me wanting to be at an event but not being dressed properly. I was caught out, as they say.

I felt a little sad, lying in bed a bit before getting up. Dread was lurking in my head and I am not sure why. I seem to carry a surplus of it.

No one is sick today. No one is wanting anything. Dread kicks in anyway, because who knows what the future holds?

This is why we do the Work. To investigate the machine. We are no different than Cadillacs or Fords, according to Vernon Howard.

So I had a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of tea. I sat in silence feeling things I didn’t want to feel. I wanted to be awake, but it was hard to shake off the dream. This is our situation.

Today will happen whether I am awake or asleep. That is the final truth. If I can summon up an ounce of energy, I must put that into my wish to awaken. There is no other pathway home.

Synchronistically, I just read this on

“I think you do have to be in contact with yourself or be interested in establishing contact with yourself. A lot of people aren’t interested in their higher state. It just happens that I am interested in my internal landscape and just paint pictures of it” ~Leonard Cohen

That is what this note was about, taking a vital interest in your inner life.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I had one too. I was driving along a beautiful open highway at high speed. Then I entered a dilapidated fishing town and the road broke apart and vanished. I found myself sitting on a pile of rubble and carving up a giant eel for someone’s dinner. In front of me, down in a pit, a lion and a wolf were fighting over the dead body of a large snake. It was one of the strangest dreams I’ve ever had.


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