Lunch with a Friend

I met an old friend for lunch yesterday. Over bison burgers and fries, we caught up with each other. Like me, she is introverted, so we are very comfortable with each other. She had gotten a new job and a new car, her old one having been totaled.

Both of us had been through recent eye issues and we laughed about that. “I love your new glasses,” I told her. “I can’t get my new prescription for a couple of more weeks,” I said. After the meal, I asked her to point out the line where I signed my name on the bill. I can see fine from a distance but not up close. We shared a Snickerdoodle cookie, one of my favorites, and then went into a bath shop she liked. We poked around, smelling all of the candles. She bought a coconut one, but I didn’t buy one.

I told her all about Don Theo and she is eager to meet him when he comes again in September. Being from Bolivia, she is quite familiar with the curanderos from South America.

It is good to have lunch out with a friend. The rest of the day I just sat around. My oven is broken so I took a frozen pizza to my neighbor so she could cook it in hers. Then I watched TV and went to bed early.

My first dream was a nightmare where my mother and son broke everything in the house to bits. I woke up horrified. Went back to sleep. This time everything had been put back in place by some mysterious force. Now I was dusting Christmas ornaments in the home of a large family. They seemed unconcerned about the dust covering everything. I spent that whole dream dusting. I have no idea what that is about.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. What a wonderful day out with your friend! Isn’t it nice to find another introvert who understands those special times together. And your dream is really positive, I believe, even though the part with things being broken had to be upsetting. But, the “mysterious force” had put everything back together and now you were cleaning precious spiritual items so they could be clean and sparkly and the home had a large family – maybe all those you have reached with your writing? Maybe this is symbolic of letting go of material things and concentrating on spiritual matters. I love this dream! Just my amateur interpretation, but it felt like it was positive.


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