
It is so much damned fun to write what I feel like writing. As you know, I just had cataract surgery and haven’t been able to write much. No new glasses for another couple of weeks at the earliest. But I wanted to touch base with those of you who notice and care if I am not here.

When I was trying to select a new pair of frames, the guy helping me said this, “Your old glasses make you look beady-eyed.” Ah, such a nice thing to hear. Uplifting and all that. Today I got a haircut (much shorter) and I really like it. But the woman that cuts my hair commented as I was leaving, “I notice you always wear tennis shoes, like you are going to the gym or something.” She is right, but I felt that fit right in with the beady eyes comment. Since I have been criticizing myself for looking older, I just nodded in agreement with both of them.

Any day now, I am going to reinvent myself. Like the proverbial phoenix, I will rise from the image of someone beady-eyed in tennis shoes. But not until I get new glasses and can buy some new makeup. Ah, then I will look just right. Bwahahahaha.

I still have my shorts in a knot about all of the bazillions of people claiming to be enlightened. Oh, they aren’t openly saying they are. They imply it. They claim certain gurus to be their very own. They speak of themselves in a way that screams enlightenment.

I don’t know. My beady little eyes can’t see it.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. My little beady eyes can’t see it either, Vicki!!! Hey, I wear tennis shoes that look like I stole them from a homeless person! But, they are comfortable and I can’t really tell how horrible they are ‘cus I still have my cataracts!! But, I do still put on makeup..ha! But, I have given up eye makeup which someone told me makes me look “peaked.” Oh, well!


  2. Can’t wait to see your new look, Vicki. Your beady eyes are always full of love anyways; in my opinion, it is hard to improve on that.


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