We Wear Ourselves Out….

We wear ourselves out; no one has to do this for us. Take a look inside the thought factory and see if the imps are not working overtime to keep you dazed and confused. Their finest work is done in the Laboratory of Comparisons. They whisper or yell at you that no matter how hard you work, someone is better than you are at what you do. And you believe it.

The mirror can only reflect things back to you and believe it or not, we can learn to just mirror our thoughts back to ourselves. The Christ Consciousness is “recognition without reaction.” All the ego can do is react helplessly to the war of words within.

That is why you can give it the silent treatment. When you catch your thoughts rushing headlong into a spiral of self-hate, yell an inner “Stop!” And then watch what happens. The thoughts have nowhere to go, so they dissolve in front of your eyes.

Yeah, every day is a battle between good and evil and it takes place in your own crazy head. There is nothing romantic about the spiritual path. You are crawling on your belly through a war zone hoping not to get smashed to smithereens. Some of us know what combat fatigue feels like.

When my husband was ill, I lived with it for years. These days I cherish having nothing to do but write. Oh, I wish I was popular, but Vernon told us long ago that truth is for the few. The masses want to be lied to and flattered. That is what the ego laps up as fast as it can. But the more it drinks, the more bloated it becomes.

Read this and know you are not alone. There are a few of us crazies that want to become sane. And that starts with being humble enough to know how bad off you are. We are all painfully protected by our egos that think that “one day we will become immune to the inner war.” We can become immune, but only when we leave the battlefield mind set.

Leaving Facebook has been a battle for me. I feel somewhat shell-shocked and as if I don’t know what I am doing. Well, guess what? That is better than thinking you know more than you really do.

“When you know that you don’t know, then you know!”~ Vernon Howard, American mystic that taught the Work of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky (esoteric Christianity)

Vicki Woodyard

One Comment

  1. Yeah, every day is a battle between good and evil and it takes place in your own crazy head. There is nothing romantic about the spiritual path. You are crawling on your belly through a war zone hoping not to get smashed to smithereens. Some of us know what combat fatigue feels like…that was q pasted quote from you…in case it didn’t come across that way on the blog…
    Dear Vicki,
    Yes to what you wrote above. details are not really necessary here as far as my life. Please keep your torn heart writing…mine is torn. I have found a few sources of truth that heal… You are a great breath,,,vernon Howard…and current Eckhart Tolle..I would love to know what you think of Eckhart Tolle..he has been very helpful to me… I would be surprised if you didn’t love him.


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