God has a sense of humor….

God has a sense of humor. When I decided to leave Facebook, He saw to it that my Blog Subscription on WordPress would go on the blink.

So I am writing to a handful of people that have nothing better to do than read my yammering.

By the way, I learned something valuable when Theo was working on me. He didn’t tell me to do this for myself, but I am. What is that? I can hear you getting all excited. Well, maybe you shouldn’t.

I just lie down and place my hands on my body and breathe. I find that immensely comforting.

It’s not rocket science, is it?

I got news for ya, baby. There ain’t no cure for love! Yeah, Leonard Cohen said that so that makes it true. He is dead but I keep right on loving him. Heck, I even love him more, now that he has gone. The same thing happened with my husband. The things he used to do that drove me crazy? Now I wish he was here doing them.

We people are all crazy. All the spiritual words in the world can’t change that.

So when all else fails, and you can’t subscribe to my blog (Yet, she said hopefully), just lie down, put your hands on your tummy and breathe.

And after that, have some tea and cookies. You can’t be too good to yourself, can ya?

Vicki Woodyard


  1. In all the years of trying to figure out what lesson I was supposed to be learning from all the tragedies, illnesses, deaths, I’m either really dumb or really slow because I haven’t yet figured out a darn thing. I just keep waiting for the next catastrophe to occur and figure out how to get through it. Perhaps I’m supposed to realize that God has a sense of humor and not delve so deeply into my grief, depression, hurt? Not funny, God. Think I’ll go get some tea and a cookie, lie down with my hands on my tummy and breathe…..aaaahhhhhh. 🙂


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