Just Keep Going….

We can’t always be in the pink, as the old expression goes. Most of the time we are rather drab, like a creature in disguise from its enemies. We are camouflaged to divert attention from our true essence. Why? Because essence rocks the boat! And no one really wants that. I can imagine Jesus walking among the people rocking everyone’s boat. Who he was dictated his behavior.

He knew he would be crucified. It was written. That was his role in the divine play of the universe. Judas was simply acting his role as well. There is no real freedom here on earth, only in heaven. And we can live in heaven while in human bodies. We do it by surrendering to the play of forces. Everything is destined. We are here to develop faith in what cannot be destroyed.

And what cannot be destroyed is our essence. It is our divine nature and we are tested again and again to see if we have grown past our earthly disguises. We must become children following the path of love. It is not for the student to outstrip the teacher, but to learn from him or her. Then there is the possibility of rebirth into a higher consciousness.

Nothing can be changed while on this planet except our attitudes and emotions. It was Edgar Cayce who said this. We have that freedom and that freedom only.

Tests are ongoing to see if we have caught onto what is holding us back and it is always ourselves. It is never others. There are no others. We are the One Self, a perfect prism of the divine plan. We are both the thorn and the rose and until we learn that lesson we will be oppressed by the opposites.

Each day is a day to say, “This day is glorious.” Give it over to your essence. Let it live your life in humility and gratitude. It isn’t easy. Nothing worthwhile is. But just keep going. Just keep going.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Dear friend Vicki, thank you for all the so beautiful pictures, and thank you for your healing and gracefilled work, for being here. Thank you for being a women teacher. I love so much to read and study what you write and just be on your site. I am very glad I have found to you. It came about through my deep interest in Vernon Howard. I am always eager to hear more about what you have to say about the time you experienced while being in Vernon’s presence. It is so inspiring to me. Yes, and as you say, his spirit dwells in, through you.


  2. Wonderful words this morning, Vicki. Thank you. I just hade a conversation with a very spiritual woman about the lesson of “being both the rose and the thorn” that you so beautifully wrote. Lovely image too.


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