1. Hi I have been increasing the pain no tobacco no beer to numb what has been so painful. so today it neared 90 degrees and I went out to what used to be our garden. I dug a place to plant the parsley that I started in the house then the memories of what used to be our garden rushed in and I was bare to the onslaught of emotions, it was a good cleansing.


  2. Love the Shakespeare quote! My mom used to recite it all the time. I was really little but fascinated by it. Hound of Heaven, the poem, was another one she loved.

    I’m so done with the online teachings as well. I do like the William Samuel books a lot. He’s very logical and that’s how my mind works. I have taken your advice to just watch my thoughts. It’s a real trip and I do that when I remember. I have faith that Jeff experienced something magnificent. I have no desire to experience the same. I would think I had finally totally lost my mind. It seems I relate to a very few. You, my friend Linda, and the ancient Christian mystics. That’s the story and I’m sticking to it. Much Love to you…


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