The Core Knowing

We each have a core knowing about the truth. And sadly, we are educated out of it as soon as we are born. Intuition, our God-given right, is squelched and replaced by “grownups” who know what is good for us.

As a tiny child, I remember getting homesick in the middle of the night at a sleepover and wanting to go home. I had kind parents that picked me up and honored my feelings of homesickness. I look back over my life now and fall in love with that tiny child that, even then, knew where she wanted to be. We are all homesick for truth.

Once we are grownups and just as wrong-headed as they are, we are in on the con game. We gladly give up our intuition in favor of social rules and regulations. We sit through hours of church when, like Emily Dickinson, we would prefer being in nature’s company.

Our minds are bored silly when they are crammed with useless rote knowledge we will never use. We never ever regain our lost innocence, but we can rebel against the prison that society keeps us in.

Esoteric education is about returning to the Self that is eternal and cosmic. Yes, we are the stars we look up at. We are the prairies and the seas. We are inescapably free and wear our chains unknowingly.My inner path has never let me down. It is only when I trust something outside of it that I get into trouble.

My core knowing is what leads me home. Nothing else can or ever will. It is the rock on which we all stand and society would discourage us from relying on it. No group of people is ever qualified to teach the soul of man what to do or be. If you resonate with this, you are at least halfway out of the jungle called society. Who ever said we were in need of mental knowledge to know ourselves was totally full of it. Sheesh! I’m just sayin’. Follow your heart. It is the only thing that knows.

Vicki Woodyard


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