Taking Shape

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I love seeing a new book begin to take shape. I get tired and achy but it is so worth it. The endless reading and rereading will drive me up the wall, but that is part of the process. I take pride in making sure I have done all I possibly can before putting a book out.

Today has been spent paging through what I have written since the last book came out. What kind of pattern is developing? What is the deepest truth I know so far? What is exciting me the most these days?

Those three questions are always beyond the grasp of the greedy little mind. Mind wants to throw you off the scent of who you really are. We can’t blame it because it is just the measure of our hopes and fears. It isn’t real.

All I can say is that I am feeling more positive than I have felt in a long time. Being with the shaman seemed to reinforce that. Love is more powerful than thought and yet we are powerless against either one. Thoughts happen. Love happens. Don’t overanalyze anything.

I am not preaching; I am talking to myself. Ignore me and talk amongst yourselves.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I’m certainly excited! I know that your new book will be as wonderful as the three you have written and I am truly looking forward to reading it. Perhaps…..an authorized copy for your fan here……..just a thought. God Bless you, dear friend on your awesome journey.


      1. I have no doubt that your 4th book will make its way into print and into the hands of all those who love how you write, love what you write and love you. You know I am one of those people! A signed copy would be awesome!


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