Everybody Lies

Everything you say is a lie. You have to see and admit this before humbling yourself in the presence of God, of the mystery called life.

You see, ego is bound to the script of lies. This is because we are asleep claiming to be awake.

The world, not being controlled by God, is built on the lies society imposes on it.

Once you see this for yourself, it will do you no good to tell people about this. If you do, it will be the ego doing it and you will have kicked a sleeping tiger. Bad idea.

People have to figure things out for themselves. They have to study what is going on inside moment by moment.

Most of it is bad. Negativity rules the planet. To rise above it takes a conscious act of self-remembering.

Everything I just wrote is sheer grace.

Vicki Woodyard

P.S. Everything you say is a lie because it is uttered by human personality, a cover that shall be lifted when the time is right.


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