The Warmth Within

Today lies in a heap of glory.
Thrown off like a golden gown.
You see, I went to Macy’s
and bought a robin’s egg blue
robe on sale.

The sun bounced off my silver hair
as my son took a picture of me
there in our front yard.

Most of my pictures are not good
but these were mellow and the
warmth without was a mirror
of the warmth within.

One good day equals ten long
years of brokenness and
I mean that in every sense of
the word.

Someone said Mary Oliver’s name
and I felt a bit like her, looking at
my own bit of earth,
moving around it cautiously and
feeling the squish, squish of
the soft winter ground.

Vicki Woodyard


I am willing to go to a place of wind and water,
a valley for your daughter.
But the instructions are vague and in the mist.
More clarity, I do insist.

I have nothing to give but an admission
that I am empty of everything except Thee.
Is that enough to set me free?

I pack my bag, I take my medicine.
I also leave behind my reticence
to rely on Thee alone.
That’s what it takes to roll
away the stone.

Vicki Woodyard

One New Look

Pink Rose
It’s so simple.
Take one last look
at what is killing you
and walk away from it.

It’s so joyful.
Take one new look
at what enlivens you
and walk towards it.

I know neither one.
Must I stand stock still until?

No such thing as standing still.
You’re going up or down the hill.
Make of it what you will.
All your dreams you can fulfill.

I choose my soul as my primary role.
I loose my ego to the wind.
On my knee I now do bend.
Casting out what might have been.

Vicki Woodyard

That your joy might be made full….

bear the joy
Bear the Joy

Today I was doing some energy healing work when the phone rang. It was my cousin, calling to say that my first cousin was having a double mastectomy in the morning. So I found myself placing her in the white light as well.

After lunch I went to the grocery and drugstore to get some things I needed. It’s a beautiful clear day and I enjoyed being out and about. Once back home, I called my cousin and we were able to have a nice visit via the phone.

I told her to wait for the gift hidden in the experience and she liked that idea because now she is in full pro-active gear and needs all the “oomph” she can get. “Think of it as holding your hands together and inside is the gift. I think it is the gift of yourself,” I said.

She liked that idea and so do I.

Can we bear the joy of our own healing presence? How long can we sustain it? Maybe not for long, but I like the image of this heavy-duty bear enjoying the dance.

Cha cha cha.




Paradox invited me to dance.
Sort of a last chance romance.

His steps were airy and the
rhythm was unique,
So I let him guide me
endlessly into the middle of
next week.

He whispered things into my
heart that couldn’t seem to
come apart.
The words, they rose and fell again
and I landed in “what might have been.”

Then he led me back again
and gently seized me by the chin.
“Look up, now child, begin again
for then is now and now is then
and so we circle round again.”

Delight was in the air that night
and not a hint of dread or fright.
I was dancing in the light.

Vicki Woodyard

About A Cart

Poems lie in wait for me
to get so bored I must
write to open up space
for true life to say hello
or hell, no!

This one is concerned that
I may not say the wrong
thing, for saying the right
thing is so…well, so unhelpful.

And so I pledge to say the
wrong thing at just the right

I pledge to upset apple carts
all over the globe.
For the globe is only in
my head.

Vicki Woodyard


Jan. 13, 2014

The truth of this life is simple.
One to a customer.
One planet, one plan and you,
the immortal mortal man.
(and woman.)

The love of this life is complicated.
More than one to a customer.
One planet, many plans and you,
the immortal mortal woman
(and man.)

Get it while you can.
There is a life span
for this immortal mortal man.
Get all the love you can and
die within the span of
birth and death.
Then take no more breath.

The end of this life is simple.
It’s the beginning of another
Here comes the sun.

Vicki Woodyard

Waiting Is The Answer

I woke up this morning with congestion so I took an antihistamine. It helped but now I am too groggy to get anything done. The Fedex truck just dropped me off some Pero, a coffee substitute. I have been off of coffee for a week now. I used to drink Pero back in the day. Now you have to order it online and it is pricey but tasty.

As I lay there in bed I considered the things that are “active” for me right now. Most of my old life has evaporated, for lack of a better word. There is one strong mystical connection with a friend across the pond and a few others here at home. Other than that, I am simply in “waiting” mode.

What that means is that I simply don’t know and won’t move without some sort of guidance, inner or outer. It may not sound like a big deal, but it is. It has taken me all of my lifetime to reach this point of waiting in faith.

Some of you know exactly what I mean. I was telling my friends at Tai Chi yesterday that all Vernon Howard ever said was “wait.” There is nothing we can do.

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Let Go

I went to an special Tai Chi class today. The title of it was “Let Go.” What a novel idea. One I haven’t heard of before (giggle.) Holding on is a really big issue with human beings and no wonder. We come in empty-handed and leave the same way. No problem there. The problems arise in-between. The house with a mortgage doesn’t concern a newborn baby or someone on their deathbed. You’d think we would learn to focus on the things that count. But then we wouldn’t be human.

Being human is sort of like thinking you are God (or wishing you were). Spiritual teachings say that we really are God. So then what’s the problem?

The problem is us. “We have seen the enemy and he is us.” (Pogo)

So we begin to fight the foe.

This is where Dr. Phil would throw out the poser, “How’s that workin’ for ya?”

Clearly it isn’t, or we wouldn’t need extra classes in how to let go.

When I get a better handle on the issue, I will probably be on my deathbed or getting ready to take a new birth. A girl can dream….

Blackberry Tea

Sitting here nursing a mug of blackberry vanilla tea. Cold outside and I see a blue kite stuck in the tree across the creek from me.

I washed my hair and put my robe back on. I’m going to a special Tai Chi class this afternoon called “Let It Go.” We’ll stay for lunch afterwards, which will be nice.

Leisure is in ample supply. Sometimes I have so much it begins to feel like boredom if I don’t watch out.

Vernon Howard said “Boredom comes from living on the intellectual level.”

Gotta go. I want to let the words go in favor of something higher than a kite.
