All Over The Place

I’m all over the place when I write. Last night I was at a Poetry Evening at Cancer Wellness. Small but inspiring group of people willing to stand up and read. We got down, folks. We really did. I read five of mine and one in particular got a laugh. I can’t suppress the comedy writer for very long, as you know. I believe the line in the poem contained the word “suck.” Well, actually, I know it did.

We had dainty little servings of exquisite food. Not being a drinker, I had my first Pellegrino with a Meyer lemon in it. Fancy. Then I sat back and listened, clicking my fingers instead of clapping, as per the instructions.

Today has been slow. I am so excited about Leonard Cohen coming to town next Friday night. It’s been a long winter and he is bringing spring with him. I want to write about the experience—be warned.

Woke up this morning almost in tears. I had gotten up at six. Had some toast and oatmeal and then went back to bed. The dreams were intense, as they often are when I go back to sleep. Every long-buried trauma seemed to rise up and scream at me. So I was grateful when the day got started. I made a grocery run and took a short walk in the afternoon. It was hot and windy and I scudded along like a cloud.

Tonight my son and I watched The Buena Vista Social Club. I had seen it before and always enjoy it. I watched Bill Maher’s monologue and laughed at his pope jokes. I had been writing my own in my head. Like saying what the cardinals actually like to eat is suet. I have tossed down way too many mini-Hershey Bars today….and now for the poem.

If you are wondering what your fate is,
What your “too late” is….
Imagine God handing you a valentine
that says “Be mine.”

If you are on the verge of a breakdown
about what’s to come down
hard on you,
Here’s what to do.
Be “you.”

For if you try to be like them,
nothing will happen but resistance
in this instance of copping out.

If you are wondering where
your next love is,
Turn and face yourself.
It can’t be done
for you are one.

Vicki Woodyard
Author, Life With A Hole In It

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