Sometimes We Fly

My writing has taken an upward turn after years of spiraling back into darkness. I was told that my second book would take a different path than my first. I was also told that the first one would be bought by a publishing house down the road and become a healing source for many. Whether that will happen is yet to be revealed. I do know that my past, present and future are one and the same.

Every evening I speak to my late husband, and trust me, what I say is nothing like what I said to him when he was alive. For I have learned the greatest lesson of all; appreciate your loved ones while you can. Time is an illusion, but one that the body lives by and in. I used to nag him; now I say how deeply I love him. This softens my life around the edges in a way that nothing else can.

I wrote my way out of hell while I was in hell. Even after his death, my fingers knew how to find the source of healing; it lay within my ability to keep on keeping on. I wondered how to deepen my calling, for I knew I had one. I found a dear friend that “sees.” Although I have never met her, I am free to call her from time to time when I have questions about the way things are unfolding for me. She always leads me back home by asking a key question, “Do you WANT to do it?” For she sees that this is a time in my life when I am free to ask that question. And the answer is usually “no.” She shows me that honoring my essence is the key to my peace of mind.

I know what I am about. I know how important solitude is for my writing. I cherish it, as I cherish the very few that relate to me on a regular basis. They are people who feed my soul and then I, in turn, can feed many. I do this by pecking away at the keyboard off and on during the day. I revel in communication like this. When I can make people giggle, that is the high point of my day.

Of course, I never shy away from making you cry, either, for I have walked that road. I know every twist and turn of it. I know that nothing beats a good cleansing cry for cleaning the doors of perception. And then we can walk on. And sometimes we fly.

Please consider ordering a copy of either book, LIFE WITH A HOLE IN IT or A Guru in the Guest Room, which is also available in Kindle format.

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