The Other Side

Now that my friend Betty is living on the other side of the veil, I find myself moving into a much larger inner space. Isn’t that curious? I feel as if she knows perfectly well that this is happening and is luxuriating in her healing. No more body to betray her with its nausea and weakness.

Yes, she misses her family deeply but she gave them the best of herself over a long period of years. She was a good Jewish mother, happy in the kitchen and in the garden. When she felt like it, she spent time watching wildlife in her backyard surroundings. She also loved music; we had that in common.

I have opened quite a few of her old emails, just to see what it would feel like. Nothing has changed. Our energies matched so perfectly; there was no static between us. I also have a very small file of emails from my friend Peter. I will retype them into the Mac at some point. They are too precious not to be shared.

When it comes right down to it, simple everyday life is to be cherished. Pots of soup, honest feelings expressed, silence, candles, lovely warm baths. Who cares about complexity anyway?

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