A Spontaneous Review of Life With A Hole In It

Wow, what can I say? I had your book in my bag this morning because I was going to an appointment and reached for it as I left the house. I was the first in the waiting room. I took out your book, Life With A Hole In It, and began reading.

The waiting room filled up and emptied, filled up and emptied again. I looked at my watch. Wow, over an hour had passed— but I was so enjoying reading the book. Not a patient person by nature, compounded by the fact that I had back- to- back appointments all day long. But I needed that time; I really did.

The waiting room filled up again and I thought I had better check to see if they had lost my file. I kindly and politely asked if they had lost my file. (Unusual for me— my heart normally races if I get behind on schedules!) The receptionist looked puzzled and said no.

As I sat back down I was so looking forward to what lay in front of me in the book. I could just feel the office staff scrambling to find my file. Wow, the next section had a paragraph about patience. I smiled. Yes, I was meant to read this book today.

Shortly I was called back for my appointment. On the way out, the doctor actually came back over to me and said he was sorry for the wait. My file had been pulled and had somehow got lost in the shuffle. I told him that it was okay and that I really needed that time this morning.

On the drive home I cancelled all my appointments for the day. I got home and went to sit outside, I felt the warmth of the sun shining down on me and listened to the serenade of my wind chimes. I breathed deeply and the sky looked so clear and I was so grateful to just be.

My heart was being nourished and fear of missed deadlines faded into a distant memory. I so needed that today. I had dinner and then decided to have dessert— fully immersed in finishing up the amazing art of your words that brought me back to my center today.

The last 30 days have been a swirling, speeding gyroscope until today when your words on the page reminded me that I have the free will to step out of; and step out of I did. I know I will sleep well tonight. What can I say other than I love you, Vicki Woodyard.

I felt like I was sitting next to you as I read your book. You were right there in your words as I stepped out of my shadow of the last month. Oh and I have my helmet in the garage!

Julia Chappell Hays,
Bradenton, Florida

Order Life With A Hole In It here.

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