Mourning Cloak

Common Name: Mourning Cloak, Morning Cloak, Mourningcloak, Harbinger of Spring, Camberwell beauty – The name Mourning Cloak is due to the appearance of the dorsal surface of the wings, said to resemble the traditional cloak worn by those in mourning, which was sometimes draped over the casket of the deceased.

“And you who were bewildered by a meaning
Whose code was broken, crucifix uncrossed
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost”
~Leonard Cohen

Sharon Robinson has been wowing the crowds with this at Leonard Cohen’s concerts. Having lost two beloveds, I know in my bones that this song is unassailable. It must be sung even though it further cracks the weary, wounded heart. Everyone sighs and bows to this song. Why? Just because….

And Bob speaks softly into my heart…”My love, I am here with you more fully in my absence. Do you think I could possibly desert you without good reason? You are thriving in your own strength now. You are carving out time to romance the moon and stars. And you know that they are loving you back.”

And I answer. “Sometimes my heart is too heavy and I just sit.”

“Just sitting opens the gateless gate.”

“I love you. Why are you always leaving?”

“So you know that love is trying to erase the word ‘you.’ There is leaving and there is meeting again in the Void. That is the place where the words ‘you’ and ‘I’ have lost all of their meaning. This very conversation is taking place in your head, not your heart.”

I could say no more. Wisdom had taken my breath away.

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