Stuff You Don't Need to Know About GIG (A Guru in the Guest Room)

“This book is oozing with cute and I hate cute.” Swami Z.

“I am in the book sitting right next to Jim.” Rose

“I am the one wearing a clip-on tie.” Jim

“Vicki has gone and written an expose and I for one am uncomfortable with that.” Larry.

“Bite me.” Ruin

“This book was made in America by me.” Vicki

“Someone needs to investigate Vicki Woodyard. She may be carrying contraband weapons of mass instruction.” The CYA

*The book won’t be out for a while yet. In the meantime, feel free to realize yourself and move about the cabin freely. I know I am.
Vicki Woodyard

Copies of Vicki’s first book, LIFE WITH A HOLE IN It, are available on

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