Private Selection

So last night my son and I were eating pizza and I said, Wait! Don’t throw away the box. There’s some comedy potential on it.” And there certainly is. Our dinner consisted of a Kroger’s pizza priced at under $4, but it had a name, “Private Selection” TM, Pepperoni and Roasted Garlic. This, my friends, according to the box, was baked on a marble hearth. Be still, my barely beating heart.

The box went on to say that it had “a thin and flaky crust.” I know a lot of people like that— thin and flaky and yet with a lot of crust. So the box was believable and might actually be a fortune-teller to boot. I read on: “…topped with robust tomato sauce, stravecchio parmesan, fire roasted garlic, pearlini mozzarella, basil and pepperoni.” Whew.

Some people I know also have robust tops (and bottoms, not to mention their waistlines after consuming this marvel of modern baking.) Some people I know also reek of garlic! Ah, the knowledge possessed by this box.

“Oh, box, tell me more,” I said. And it did.

It gave me very detailed instructions on how to eat food of this sort.
Do not thaw before baking.
Do not eat without cooking.
Due to the unique ingredients, toppings may have shifted during handling.
(Wait a minute, this pizza isn’t Pamela Sue Anderson, is it?)

The box goes on to recommend that I remove all of the wrapping before putting it into the oven. This box is loaded with common sense. I was on the very brink of putting it in cardboard, shrink wrap and all. But I forced myself to discard the wrappings.

However, I hung onto the box. Now I shall continue to discuss this Private Selection publicly. The box invites me to share its passion for exception culinary experiences. Well, jab me with a fork. The box wants me to tell you how much I love Tootsie Rolls, apparently.

And it also gives me a promise. If this Private Selection fails to meet my expectations, I will have my pizza replaced or have my money refunded. Too late. This particular culinary catastrophe is already being converted directly to fat calories and being shaped to produce yet another spare tire on me, thus earning the Michelin Prize. I am “tired” now, so I shall end this essay abruptly, leaving no skid marks but a greasy stain on Facebook. Nuff said.

*This essay was made out of a pizza box and me, but it definitely is not a retread! Pass the gelato. The box recommends it for dessert. It oughta know….

Read Life With A Hole In It on your Kindle. Message me for details.

“I’m sitting in downtown Boise on a soft evening. Summer’s almost done here but she still shows her glowing backside as she leaves us for the year.

Anyway, I am nudged to open my kindle version of your book Life With A Hole In It. I just want you to know how my spirit says yes, yes, yes to these words…to your beautiful, aweful journey here. I’m taking your book slow, but not because it isn’t worth reading quickly. In fact, it sits quietly in me, calling to the still, formlessness I love so.

Thank you for cracking as you have (and I have, too…which is why your words find such welcome in me) and let the Light shine. That’s all for now. Just thank you.” *Jacob Nordby

Jacob is the author of The Divine Arsonist, a wonderfully intimate look at the path through brokenness to wholeness. I am thinking we should form a collective of authors that dare to reveal their personal journeys warts and all. We have had enough impersonal cutting and pasting of long-dead masters. They have their place, but the caravan moves on.

Life With A Hole In It is a book that will rattle your cage, make you laugh and cry, and hopefully, rouse you from your state of sleep. Order it on amazon or contact me for a pdf version for your Kindle. Even better, I sign and mail copies as well.

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A Yellow Rose

The soul contrives to have many dark nights. How many? As many as it takes, apparently. Whenever you are spinning your wheels and mud is flying but you are not going anywhere, that is a dark night of sorts.

Now that Bob has been gone almost eight years now, I am more in love with him than ever. For his eternal righteousness has been proven. While he was yet with me, he had stinky feet and a drippy nose. Now those qualities no longer bother me.

Okay, you want me to get serious, right? You want me to tell you that he reached out from the great beyond and sent me a special delivery from Bob’s Flower Shoppe. That he did! I was smack in the middle of a dark night when the yellow candle bearing that flower shop name arrived. I had said to him fervently and urgently, “Send me a yellow rose to prove you are alive and well.” And so he did.

And then I saw the online image of the yellow rose that Mr. Cohen had sent to Sharon Robinson. I told my friend, BB, who had ordered the yellow candle not knowing that I had “talked” to Bob about giving me a sign. She said, “There will be a third sign from him,” and then you will know.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with nonduality and everything to do with the sort of love that death cannot diminish. I like to share with my readers the essence of what I know to be true. And so I do.