In the Guru's Hands

Everything is in the hands of the guru; we just don’t know it or believe it. I am working on *a manuscript that consists of spiritual essays. As we all know, spiritual essays don’t sell unless they are in the hands of the guru. I know that for one reason. My own hands are split into left and right, success and failure, can and can’t. They are dividing machines. Only the hands of wisdom can hold one’s hopes and dreams and give them back to us rendered purer than they were before.

Life is about reuniting the opposites, letting ourselves be held in hope and love. Unlearned lessons on this subject keep recurring and each time, they are saying, “Give yourself to me and I will heal you.” And we don’t do it.

When my daughter died, she passed from my hands into the hands of God. I didn’t like that arrangement, not at all. For it meant I would no longer shop for pink dresses or have her children to hold when I grew older. It meant a hopeless feeling of empty arms. And yet the guru was holding us both in hands of love.

Life went on and my husband passed into the guru’s hands. She had held him through almost five years of pain and now she is holding him on high. His hands can no longer rub my back or open a door for me, unless it is into higher worlds.

He came to me in a dream recently and let me know that I was doing fine, spiritually speaking. He wanted me to be less passive toward life and so I am going to share my message freely from this point on with whoever wants it. It is so simple. Everything is in the hands of God. Everything given to God is returned to us on a higher plane. When I am reunited with my lost loves, we will not recognize each other for our beauty.

*The manuscript was published as LIFE WITH A HOLE IN IT. It can be ordered on the website. Or make a donation if you have already ordered the book. Just trying to pay for the upkeep of the site. All donations welcomed.

A Letter To Santa

Dear Santa Claus,

I just want one thing for Christmas this year. I want Vicki Woodyard to get some stinkin’ faith in herself! She is moping around here like you wouldn’t believe. She doesn’t believe in herself. I wish you could have seen her before I moved in with her. She was like a shadow floating around this old empty house. She was looking out the window and I moved in through the front door. Oh, it was tricky getting her to begin writing me. I’ll give you that. I had to wait until she was actually at the keyboard before I could begin slipping the words into her hands. And then she had to move them over the keyboard while I hovered overhead. I had to make her look ridiculous while she was making me look like a cute little ass.

Every day I would bustle around her kitchen (her heart) and make use of it. I didn’t know what else to do but play like I was interested in baking. Through the years she began to draw me as a beloved character, little guessing that I was the Self come to revive her droopy, dopey little self. I have had to put up with Larry just to have the pleasure of introducing Ruin. (That will all be made clear when MY book comes out.) Ruin is the true guru, btw. No one is more surprised than I am about that. But what can you do?

Santa, I know you have a lot of toys to deliver for the good little girls and boys (LOL), but I know a woman that needs some trust in her own ability to make people laugh and cry at the same time. I can’t let her get too near the cookies because of that because it’s messy, but whatevs….

The kitchen smells nice and spicy and the gingerbread men are running like they have cast aside their crutches at Lourdes. I just need for Vicki to believe, not in you, but in herself. She’s actually a decent sort. She DID create me and now like Pinocchio, I am turning into a real live guru. Maybe I should be writing a letter to The Blue Fairy. Ya think?

Love and respect,
Swami Z

P. S. Make a donation by clicking the Donate Button to the upper right of this post. It’s orange. She needs something in her website stocking! Ho ho ho. Be Vicki’s angel this Christmas….help her keep the site up and running.

The Only Difference

An online friend and I have discussions about our solitary lifestyles. Although she is married with two sons, she essentially lives a private life with them. I have always followed the same path. For one thing, the spiritual path is a demanding life. The farther you go, the steeper the incline gets and most people have dropped out along the way. If you are already grumbling, don’t read any further. I am not asking for people to chime in with comments about what an antisocial jerk I am.Trust me 🙂

Keep reading and I will let you in on a little secret. I am clairsentient. I read people’s energy fields naturally and instantly. I don’t do this for money. I do this automatically for my own sake. The reason why I keep to myself is that most people don’t vibrate on my wavelength. I don’t necessarily think it is superior; it is what it is.

My friend with whom I have the discussions emailed and said she had found me a massage therapist in the city where I live. She did not have my mailing address and I was amazed. She had found a woman whose office is mere minutes away! Not only that, but she and I clicked instantly. Don’t tell me it was just an accident. No, the wavelength thingie works. I just had my second massage from her and she is professional from tip to toe. Good character, ethical and all that.

I seldom have people in my house. I have been meditating, healing, etc. in it for many years now. It is a true haven for me. Why would I want to ruin it with bad company? And as Vernon Howard used to say, in so many words, if you’re not trying to wake up, you’re a lost soul. And most people are not trying to wake up.

So there you have it, my insight about why I keep to myself. My clairsentience tells me I am better off alone than with people who are still firmly stuck in the dream. Vernon made this pithy comment: “The only difference in sleeping people is how they snore.” 🙂

Check out my book by clicking on its link. I could use a sale….