The Lane of Love Is Narrow

I am trying to get used to not being on Facebook. A pretty daunting proposition for a writer. I just have to hope that people will find my writing appealing enough to bookmark my website. I am essentially saying only one thing but in many different ways. And that is how it should be. My teacher, Vernon Howard, told his secretary that he said only one thing, but he tried to say it in as many different ways as he could. If you are wondering what that one thing is, never fear. It will be repeated. (Smiling)

My son and I went to get hugged by Amma yesterday. It was her first visit to Atlanta. I don’t know what I expected, and I won’t say much about it, except that Amma only talks about the one thing herself. The food I had there was so good. I took home an espresso brownie and a piece of carrot cake.

As I sat in line waiting for Amma’s darshan, a young Indian man sat beside me. He told me, in a confidential tone, that his greatest temptation was food. And he was quite slender. “If you eat nothing after 7 P.M.,” he said, “the body is healthier.” His little three-year old was barefoot and happily dancing from one chair seat to another, looking at his parents in great delight. Once home, I made myself a mug of warm milk and had part of the brownie, forgetting that it was probably not the healthiest thing for my body. But it sure was good.

As the Fourth of July weekend looms ahead, I know I will spend it alone. Only watching it on TV. Probably straightening up the house and being relieved when the 3 day-weekend is over. Such is the life of an introvert on the path. The one thing should take precedence, whether with or without the company of another human being.

Having gone beyond the mental state of awakening, the awareness thirsts for pure self-awareness, the one without a second. Even second helpings….

Vicki Woodyard

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