Life With A Hole In It

So many people loved Life With A Hole In It because I bared my soul in it. Not hard to do. I was built for that, but only on paper. In person I am as reticent as the next unless someone “makes room” for my sorrow and that rarely happens. When someone does, the angels in heaven must rejoice. I don’t mean a sorrow that brings one down; I mean a sorrow that lifts one up because of the love shining into it.

When your world dries up completely, heaven will pour down blessings upon you. What you are lacking is patience. Let the process complete itself. Wait. Surrender. Watch. Witness. Say thank you. Then start all over.  Wait. Surrender. Watch. Witness. Say thank you.

I wrote that yesterday. I lost patience with my life as it is unfolding. Why? For all the usual reasons. I couldn’t stand the pain! As my current life dries up, I find myself weeping. I am listening to Leonard Cohen a lot. He has so much wisdom to share about life and its cruel shapings.


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