
You are helpless against it because you ARE it. You are what? I mean by “it” your whole thought-life which is wrapped up and tied with a bow of self-concern. If you could live the plain brown wrapper life of essence, you would know joy for the first time. But it is not easily given. There must be a lifelong wish to awaken in spite of all odds. And they are great, indeed. The world has such a tenacious toehold on us that we scream in agony day in and day out. The planet is groaning under the weight of such  pain. Drought, unemployment and people assaulting people exacerbates the problem.

Is there a solution? Begin with accepting the truth of who you are and who you are not. I believe that is called surrender. God does the rest and He does it on His schedule. He doesn’t do it until He knows you have finally exhausted yourself. It is then that the arms of heaven enfold you and you know you can go on. You can go on with no more vain attempts to run the show, to control your ego, to maintain a false front. You are vanquished and in that vanquishment comes a flood of light.

I can’t do anything about my life because I equal my life. I am on the same level as the problem. All I need to do is SEE this clearly and surrender happens! Wait for the miracle. It will come.

Welcome to the World of Vicki and Swami Z

Welcome to the World of Vicki and Swami Z. Listen to the first podcast where she dubs him “The Edsel of Gurus.” Is he that bad…really?

Give it a listen and leave a comment. And come back for the next one. Just click on the link below. It is unedited but I like it better that way.

Swami and Vicki #1

Swami and Vicki

Swami and Vicki #2

 Swami and Vicki #2 

Swami and Vicki #3

Swami and Vicki #3


The Strange Summer of 2012

The Strange Summer of 2012 is now on my audio page, Vicki Woodyard Speaks. Just click on that tab and you will arrive. Click on Strange Summer and voila, there I am, using my  new Yeti mic to talk to you. Just for reference, I am talking about Tootsie Roll Midgees, the little ones that beg you to eat them by the dozen. Enjoy.

Closing Time

In every life there comes a closing time. We should remember that as we sometimes plough our way through endless days of sorrow. Perhaps if we stopped a moment we could see the possibilities that love is offering us yet again. It is saying, “You will exit the stage soon enough. While you are yet among us, offer us your song.” And so I am.

Lately hot sweet tears run gently down my face. Crumpled tissues pile up around me and the memories are sweet yet oh, so distant now. Was I ever loved casually by God or was He always intent in His ardor for me, for his lost sheep? Such questions bring more tears, but they are healing ones.

My service towards the Good Inner Shepherd keeps taking different forms. Right now He is leading me into greening fields of confession. “I once was lost but now am found,” I croon. “Was bland but now I see.” Yes, I said “bland.” Being bland is a terrible thing, like serving applesauce to someone in need of a rare filet mignon. Like saying “like” when you should be saying “love.”

Oh, let me not be bland in my service to the creator. I am inspired these days by Leonard Cohen, who makes love to the mic like he had all the time in the world. He does; he has us charmed for eternity. Those of us following him in his latter days embrace the wisdom of his sardonic grin. For he is not lukewarm but blazing hot.

Let me be blazing hot in my service to the Word. Let it ring out. Let the halls of the internet ring, for that is what it has come to. We are not apt to ever meet in the flesh; but the spirit can still strike the hot anvil of service. I leave you with these merciful words. “Let your closing time not come until you have given us your best and we can drink a toast with our tears at your parting.” For joy arises from loss and surrender brings in a new crop of lovers and the dance goes on. Closing times go on forever and the curtain rises at eight on many new performances of love.