The Crack in Everything, Especially in January

The Crack in Everything, Especially in January

Today was a day of seeing the cracks. First off, I drove to get a new pair of frames for my glasses. It was overcast and I was grateful to arrive there without mishap. The eye doctor’s office is just one left turn away from where I ended up going the wrong way yesterday. Whew.

Then I did my grocery shopping. There was someone both ahead of me and behind me at the pharmacy and I didn’t look at the receipt. Oops, I should have! It was about a hundred twenty-five bucks for a 3-month supply of one of my maintenance drugs. When I called about it, I was told that medications are not returnable. So I protested. The pharmacist said she would take it up with her manager. I waited by the phone but didn’t get a call back. So I called again. This time they said I could get a refund as a “one-time exception.” Another whew. Now I have to get it filled mail-order to save money.

Rob drove me back the second time and I said, “Return this bag of chips. It’s ripped.” And he did and then he filled up my car with gas. The station I use is out.

Back home I took a walk, the first one in January. I am totally out of shape. Tomorrow will be warm again, so I have a list of errands to run.

It is hard to see the light getting in between the cracks, but it can be done.

I am happy to be at my blog making words turn into pixels. Sometimes someone says, “I can relate,” and then I know we are all totally human despite our deep interest in enlightenment. By the way, enlightenment is something fashioned out of something so ethereal as to be non-human. Although some claim it, others know better and deeper than that.

I am happy to be barely escaping January alive. It has ever been thus. See you tomorrow, Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise.

Vicki Woodyard


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