Every Day a Challenge

Every Day A Challenge

Every day is a challenge if you are open to it. We work as if there were no tomorrow, if you will. The work, for me this lifetime, is to witness what I am actually like. Surprisingly, this takes the edge off my judgment of other people. Compassion belongs only to the witness, not to the ego. Let’s be very clear about that.

There should be no guilt about being wrong. Guilt belongs to the ego. All negativity does. So when I get up in the morning, I go about the business of being human with all of its fallen nature. I try to be moderate, but often fail. I am a nitpicker and micromanager of myself. Not such a happy thing to be. But it also makes me a meticulous observer. There is good and bad in everything.

I am loathe to try new things but courageous in bearing what is given me to bear. I am an unholy paradox, the perfect candidate for mercy and forgiveness. So are you, dear friend. So are we all.

Vernon Howard taught the truth. Now that he is gone, I am learning goodness. That is right order. If you stop at truth, you remain off-putting and hostile. Goodness tempers this. Goodness is the final teaching. It is a teaching of the heart and not the head.

Vernon knew this, but seldom used the word “heart” or “love.” He was working with recalcitrant egos and had to first bring them under control. That he did. From his first words I knew I belonged to him. I had deep respect for what he said. And what he said rang with condemnation of all that was false about us. If you reject someone pointing out your weaknesses, you will not grow.

So today matters. Today I see how wrong I am, so that tomorrow I may be right. There is an expression, “The Work will find a way. The light will cure us.” So be it and amen.

Vicki Woodyard

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