I stand as a lighthouse….

I stand as a lighthouse for the broken. Only the broken can hear the voice of the broken.

Words poured out from the heart are carried on waves unheard by the multitudes.

Silence and darkness are listening for the next one of you reading.

The beacon is broken but the light is not coming from it but from your own lamp.

Knowledge of healing is not healing.

Poultices of politeness or politics can never work when shards of suffering have worn you down to a bloody pulp.

Christ mans the lighthouse but He is neither here nor there but everywhere.

Stark darkness has perfect inner vision. Be still and know. Be still and receive.

I can do nothing without first healing myself.

I heal by listening within. Listening until I hear silence.

I stand as a lighthouse. Not for people who think I am the body/mind but know I am above both light and darkness. In between all of the suffering happens. And in between is where you will be saved from the waves.

Do not try to make sense of what is heard or written by man or woman. All on that level is a betrayal.

Never try to figure out what the messenger is doing in the lighthouse, for he cannot know that himself. All he can do is stand.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Oh my God, Vicki!!! I love this Note!!! I’m yelling, I LOVE IT! Can you hear me. Can you feel my joy and enthusiasm reading my words here in this rectangular, comment box!

    I have always had a passion for lighthouses. They stand steadily through all kinds of weather throughout the dark nights, enduring all types of storms. They need not waste energy speaking or gesturing. They just stand and silently guide the confused, lost ships to safe harbor.

    I tell Sophia how much I love lighthouses. I tell her she is my lighthouse shining her beautiful light through the darkest times of our lives. A beacon of hope, a simple, beautiful, playful innocence…. allowing us to forget the sorrows and join her in her magical world a place we once inhabited but have forgotten. Thank you, Vicki. This Note was written for me to read. I feel that so strongly. Thank you!


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