Why I am a Wounded Healer

Why I am a Wounded Healer

My child died at age 7. My husband died at age 63. I have spent much of my adulthood grieving or being a caregiver.

While it might seem that I would get over these two losses, the phrase “get over” is ridiculous. It is why I have become a wounded healer.

My losses were so prolonged and so severe that my life today is nothing if not simple. I avoid all complications on every level.

I cannot bring myself to listen to any man explain awakening to me. I wonder why?

I, learning the lessons of loss, have no time for the masculine mind telling me to get over it.

Because I am a wounded healer, I write from the heart and not the head.

I left Facebook because I had 3 dreams in a row telling me to become the witness rather than the actor on the stage.

I find this works much better for me. I am returning to my birthright, which is freedom from what others think of me.

My teacher was Vernon Howard, a disciplinarian if there ever was one. This seems paradoxical, but that is also what I needed. I needed to learn to stand alone.

My words carry weight, and some of you can attest to this.

I stand alone, I write alone and I am learning every day of my life.

If your words do not carry weight, what good are they?

Vicki Woodyard

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