
Sometimes I just want to write even if I have nothing to say. To make a connection, perhaps with an anonymous reader who may be feeling restless. I often feel that way, as if there is something left undone, something I don’t know how to do. I probably don’t even want to do it. I just want to live a life of ease. That is how the ego would have things go.

Yesterday I went to Macy’s for makeup. The store was crowded, as I went in the afternoon. I was in search of a certain brand I don’t usually buy, and a young black woman helped me. She was very kind and I made my purchase. On the down escalator a little later, she was just ahead of me and I said, “Didn’t you just help me?” and she said yes. There was a moment between us that felt god-given. As if I have turned a corner and now see life a millimeter differently.

How slowly we change; there is so much resistance in us. And I no longer judge myself for it as much. I realize how much pain there is in us. We just can’t stand any more.

Monday is my birthday. Another year has gone by. A good strong year for me, thank God. Nothing special happened. But I enjoyed good health and more peace of mind. My life is so quiet. Tai Chi and walking keep me strong.

The only thing that truly interests me is what I do. Hard to put it into words, so I settle for these little accounts like buying makeup and how differently life goes when you pay attention. When you look into a face and see yourself reflected back for a moment. And you know this is what you came here to do. Not write, maybe. Just be present as the gift of life is unwrapped.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. First of all, Happy birthday on Monday to a very wonderful woman with so many gifts to share with us. I loved your connection with the lady at Macy’s. Sometimes that is all we want or need for the day. A quiet life with simple pleasures and kindness between strangers.


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