Leaving the Table….

As most of you know, I am a devoted Leonard Cohen fan and his new album is totally in line with the Work. Listen after you have read this note.

I am not interpreting Cohen’s lyrics because that’s not what this note is about. It is about coming to terms with loss and still retaining a positive attitude. You must be able to do both or you become cynical and bitter.

There is a certain melancholy connected with truth that must be accepted. For you see clearly that life without higher consciousness simply doesn’t work. Never has; never will. We have to accept the parameters of being human while aspiring to ascendancy and stooping to humility, for both are required.

You must accept solitude as a teacher while enduring the clamor of your thoughts and feelings. Nothing ever works for long; everything must be seen through in order to experience the void, even momentarily.

I type this on a lovely autumn day that presents no obvious problems on a personal level. But underneath there is an evil brew, Halloween-ish in its deviltry. All of the polished politicians are rotten and the game is rigged. Chocolate candy notwithstanding, we are in a nightmare of nothing making any sense.

The only thing that makes sense is leaving the egocentric world. But wait, the ego has no choice in anything. So what to do? Man cannot do; he can only witness the horror in the world. But witnessing is leaving, so there you go.

Now listen to Leonard and know you are not alone; you just think you are.


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