For my blog visitors….

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I am happy that people are taking the time to visit my blog while I am away from Facebook. I am learning to step away from the iMac and do other things during the day. Yes, Facebook Addiction is a growing problem for us all. Not only Facebook but electronic media in general. I keep my landline phone turned off and rarely use my cell.

Silence and privacy are totally underrated in our culture. The Kardashians cannot Keep Kwiet, Kan they? And Kanye? Don’t get me started.

I am happy the Fourth of July has come and gone. I celebrated by going to Walgreens and buying a new toothbrush and a few other things. I had a brief bout of a mystery germ and they say buying a new toothbrush afterwards is a great idea.

Would that we could treat other unpleasant events that way. Of course you can “Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair,” but I rather miss the man in my life. Time is meaningless when your life partner has gone on and you are left alone.

And yet being alone is a luxury for many people. They can’t even go to the toilet alone. And being a caregiver was to lack time for myself. These days, the simplest things are the best. And you never know when things will turn sour again. You just have to hope for the best.

When Bob had a total psychotic break after his first chemo in the hospital, he fell in love with everyone. When he went to the bathroom, he was so in love with my son and I that while he was in there, he would yell “I love you, are you still there?” And we would answer that we sure were. We didn’t tell him how our hearts were breaking into shards at seeing him so weak. And yet the light was bouncing off of him and he forgot everything but love.

I pray for the last five words of that sentence to happen for me.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. The game angry birds is addictive, thought I had out grown games long ago but have been playing angry birds on my iPad relentlessly. Oh well it entertains me. What you said about Bob had me remember visiting Richard Rose at Weirton where he lived his last remaining days as an Alzheimer’s patient that was very sad to watch a brilliant man turn into a vegetable Ya we never know were life will take us I think it was more difficult for the people who loved dim than it was for him.


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