Order Vicki’s book, Bigger Than The Sky: A Radical Awakening

I haven’t figured out how to market my book without using the traditional methods. So here is yet another attempt to explain how good it is.

I met Peter, who awakened after having a series of strokes. Peter was a hoot. His email address was Laughter. And he sprinkled “ho ho” into each email he sent to people.

He could have been on Mash; he had learned the value of laughter in the midst of a grisly situation. So had I. I, who had been writing comedy when my 3-year-old was diagnosed with incurable cancer. I, who knew what it felt like to have 2 members of my nuclear family have the words “incurable’ taped to their foreheads. I kept on writing jokes because it was therapy for me.

Peter and I had hit it off from the get-go. He had no time to waste so he got right to the point. In so many words, his philosophy was exactly the same as any great master of his time. “Get on with it. Life is short. Enjoy it.”

So we enjoyed each other’s company. Peter barely able to summon strength to write me. Me barely able to quit crying long enough to write. And I had no idea that I would write a book about our friendship.

As Jerry Katz said in the Foreword. “Vicki and Peter are a pair for the ages.” I find that very moving. That I sit here typing out this note while Peter gets to sit on Cloud Nine and cheer me on. Life may not always seem fair but one thing is sure. When you eat the bitter pill, the sweetness outweighs it and the wisdom is transformative. Get to know Peter. It’s easy to love him. He has been gone for many years now but his presence peeks out from the pages and you can almost hear his “ho ho.”

Order it here:
Vicki Woodyard

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