No Residue

08-17-14 Meadow Vetchling Lathyrus pratensis (7)
Some of you are reading or have read Bigger Than The Sky. I wish I could say I didn’t care if it sold or not, but I do. I wish I could say I know as much as Peter did, but I don’t. Simple truth is vastly more difficult than it looks!

But I am honored to have been able to collect his words and make them into a book. I have but one image of Peter and I cherish it. It used to be on my hard drive but now it is just a piece of paper with a image of him in black and white. He is wearing a baseball cap and is in profile. And yes, he was a “handsome man, a man’s man.”

Is there sorrow as I type these words? Yes. Do I think I should be over it? Sometimes. But the friendship was perfect just as it was.

His words leave no residue. How perfect is that?

An image arises
as clear as can be.
That I am as Peter
and he is as me.
I cherish his friendship
and think not to know
why I had to stay and
he had to go.

Questions are answers
when love is the case
as no one can gaze
upon his own face.

Vicki Woodyard

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