Hello, Who’s There?

I have been quiet lately. On Saturday night Rob and I went to a lovely kirtan across town. Mantra Ma and Blue Spirit Wheel with Ian Boccio were featured. Sacred Thread Yoga is in the old Telephone Factory, which is on the National Registry of Historic Places. There was a good crowd there, as Mantra Ma was being videotaped and Ian Boccio was introducing two new chants that will be out on a CD in December.

From the moment we walked down the hall to Sacred Thread (and there is a red thread painted on the floor guiding you there), the silence was palpable. In kirtan, the chanting leads one back to his or her own inner silence. The communal affect of this is richly rewarding.

I can only say I feel at home in this kirtan community, as if I were part of something quite exceptional. I don’t talk to many people there. Saturday I enjoyed chatting with the woman I sat next to. I had met her at another kirtan venue, an old Baptist church that we both happen to love.

Something is missing in my life and kirtan is allowing me to move into the fullness of chant and response and silence. There is no expectation for Vicki to show up. So she can be with new friends and soak up the love, or the bhav, as Stan Holt calls it.

When one is alone, to move into community can be daunting. You go from aloneness to being with people, and you rejoice when they are likeminded and easy to be with. Some like to get up and dance. I am happy to sit in a chair and breath in the music. My voice is very soft and gets lost in the power of the Om that Ian emits. He is one powerful person.

Sunday morning I woke up fresh as a daisy and later I went to the mall for a mini-massage. This new life promises much for me if I am willing to shed my old skin. By the way, I feel this is destiny unfolding exactly as it should.

Those who follow my writing know that I am posting less this summer. As if to recharge my batteries. You feel the silence behind the words. I know that.



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