A Blessing Kiss

Last night I dreamt that a woman guide came to me. She said that Bob left me well-provided for and that he kissed me every day. Just to write those words makes me weep. For one reason, I know with certainty that they came from higher levels. It was a deep reassurance to me that I am loved and cared for to an amazing degree, even when I don’t feel like it.

I have written to quite a few people who have lost their precious family members to death. It is never an easy journey and definitely spirals in both directions. The human part of us is not happy with the former beloved being available only in invisible form. So we shed our tears and then go about our lives with holes in them.

I made a decision to leave Facebook for a while because it was taking me away from silence. That is where I do my energetic healing work. I retire to the stillpoint and allow higher energies to heal me; that way I heal others. I don’t have to know who they are or what they need to be healed from. I just sit in the silence, letting it do what it will.

I vow to relieve the suffering of all sentient beings. And hope they are kissed by the love within, the love that never fades or fails. It is quite all right to shed healing tears, for they are allowing space for cleansing and reparation. If we would be about our Father’s business, we must shed more than tears. Letting go of the false self can’t be done in one fell swoop, but we must sincerely long for that day to come.

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