The Mexican Hat Dance

I have been working on A Guru in the Guest Room for a long time. It was conceived of about ten years ago and now I realize that the character, Swami Z, is an invaluable resource for me. He is only a character, to be sure, but he always has something new to teach me. I have but to look in his direction and he is there.

This morning I finally got up the nerve to delete three essays from the book. It was the right thing to do. I had plenty of material and there could possibly be a second book down the road. Now it feels like time to get it into print. Here’s hoping that the gods are on my side in this wish.

I just had a peanut butter and honey sandwich on whole grain Italian bread. I am going to cut way back on sugar now that the book is finished. My annual doctor visit looms and I want my blood work to be good. I feel so peaceful about everything that I am in a good place to focus on healthier eating.

Tonight my son and I are going to eat Mexican. As for Swami Z, he says si, si. (The little swami is getting ready for the bigtime.) If he does the Mexican Hat Dance, he could get lost in it, so I will leave him at home.


  1. Dance o soul the music is on dont look thither be it be it pray o soul the master had gone to the mountains when your limbs get weak call me call me now is mexico


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